ShinAwiL Services
ShinAwiL can offer services across pre-production; production and post production stages. With over 20 year’s experience, ShinAwiL can offer expert services and experience on scripted productions, non-scripted productions, short-form video creation and post production facilities.
ShinAwiL’s development team will start from the beginning by working with you on your creative and content strategy. The team at ShinAwiL will work on building a unique and focused strategy from the bottom up - from initial idea generation and planning to required input assessments to a developed and focused approach to all production requirements.
Production Services
Production Management
Drafting budgets and schedules.
Providing initial tax credit estimates
Advising on which of the top 5 post-production companies in Dublin would work best.
Cast & Crew
ShinAwiL brings with it the most experienced cast and crew and can access and select the team most suited to each production. Ireland’s crew base has significant depth and can handle varied scales of production.
Ireland has 4 first class sound stages:
Fonthill Studios - ShinAwiL is a co-owner of Fonthill Studios
Ardmore Studios
Ashford Studios
Troy Studios
Construction of another number of soundstages is underway and these will start coming online from 2021.
Our country has a wide variety of locations: contemporary urban settings, period London looks, regional UK urban centres, forests, woods, lakes, hills, beaches, all within close proximity to Dublin. Dublin has a large amount of Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian architecture allowing for accurate representations of centuries of British building.

Irish Tax Credit
The Irish tax credit is worth up to 32% of eligible spend on up to 80% of a production budget, capped at over $80m per project. Qualifying spend includes any ATL, BTL, or post spend incurred by the production in Ireland. International cast working in Ireland qualify. A further regional uplift raising the credit to 37% is available for productions shooting outside Dublin.
The tax credit program is open on rolling basis, all year round, with no funding cap. Current sunset December 2024. ‘Early-day’ Payment available on financial closing of the project (including the condition that 68% of eligible expenditure has been spent).